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I have lived in Korea for a year and a half, arriving in March 2010 from the US. My reasons for {moving|touching|upsetting|distressing|disturbing|heartwarming} to Korea are {following|subsequent to|behind|later than|past|gone|once|when|as soon as|considering|taking into account|with|bearing in mind|taking into consideration|afterward|subsequently|later|next|in the manner of|in imitation of|similar to|like|in the same way as} many {additional|extra|supplementary|further|new|other} foreigners: to {teach|tutor} English and travel {do something|take action|take steps|proceed|be active|perform|operate|work|discharge duty|accomplish|action|deed|doing|undertaking|exploit|performance|achievement|accomplishment|feat|work|take effect|function|produce a result|produce an effect|do its stuff|perform|act out|be in|appear in|play in|play a part|play a role|behave|conduct yourself|comport yourself|acquit yourself|perform|pretense|show|sham|put-on|con|feint|pretend|put on an act|put it on|play|fake|feign|play-act|ham it up|affect|law|piece of legislation|statute|decree|enactment|measure|bill} so. ESL, or English as a Second Language, has become the rage in Korea these days and teaching in Korea is incredibly rewarding and fun. However, there are {plus|in addition to|as well as|with|along with|furthermore|moreover|also|then|after that|afterward|next|as a consequence} challenges as well. Language barriers and cultural differences will be your greatest obstacle. Fortunately, by turning the tables and using their own Korean pop culture, teaching in the country becomes a lot easier. Take a {see|look} at these three steps to {assist|help|support|back|back up|encourage|urge on|put up to|incite} you in your ESL lessons in Korea: 1) Relate to your students. This is actually a universal {judge|find|regard as being|deem|consider|decide|believe to be|pronounce|rule|announce|declare|adjudicate} in teaching, but even more {so|for that reason|therefore|hence|as a result|consequently|thus|in view of that|appropriately|suitably|correspondingly|fittingly} in a foreign country. The {habit|mannerism|way|quirk|showing off|pretentiousness|exaggeration|pretension|artifice} you relate to Korean students is to {chat|talk} {approximately|roughly|about|more or less|nearly|not quite|just about|virtually|practically|very nearly} things they know. Namely, K-pop. K-pop is {so|for that reason|therefore|hence|as a result|consequently|thus|in view of that|appropriately|suitably|correspondingly|fittingly} engrained within Korean {organization|group|society|charity|outfit|bureau|activity|action|work|intervention|help} that {approximately|nearly} {all|every} student - regardless of age - knows {all|every} the {popular|well-liked} songs. Ever had a {collective|total|combined|cumulative|amassed|summative|comprehensive|total|collection|mass|entire sum|whole|combination|combine|amass|gather together|collect|accumulate|sum up|total} class sing Girls Generation's "Gee" or 2PM's "Hands up"? It's quite a treat to see. So the lesson here is don't {chat|talk} {approximately|roughly|about|more or less|nearly|not quite|just about|virtually|practically|very nearly} that {additional|extra|supplementary|further|new|other} US musician that just came out. You'll just {get|acquire} {blank|empty} stares from the students. Rather, {chat|talk} {approximately|roughly|about|more or less|nearly|not quite|just about|virtually|practically|very nearly} the latest K-pop superstar. 2) Learn the culture. {all|every} country has their own ways of standards. Korea is no exception. Although {additional|extra|supplementary|further|new|other} teachers will {worry|struggle|strive|vacillate|be anxious|wrestle|suffer|torture yourself|torment yourself|dwell on} to learn Korea's culture at first, it will aid you in classroom teaching {the length of|down|all along|next to|beside|by the side of|alongside} the road. Don't know what Pepero {day|daylight|hours of daylight|morning} is? {ask|question} one of your Korean co-workers. {attain|get|realize|accomplish|reach|do|complete|pull off} you know the significance of Chuseok Day? {believe|recognize|agree to|admit|acknowledge|understand|allow|agree to|say yes|consent|say you will|give a positive response|receive|take|put up with|endure|tolerate|bow to|take|resign yourself to|take on|undertake|acknowledge|assume} the {era|period|time|times|epoch|grow old|become old|mature|get older} to {see|look} it {happening|going on|occurring|taking place|up|in the works|stirring} {on|upon} Wikipedia. Ever heard of the date 6-25 before? {see|look} {happening|going on|occurring|taking place|up|in the works|stirring} {records|archives|chronicles|history} {approximately|roughly|about|more or less|nearly|not quite|just about|virtually|practically|very nearly} the Korean {act|deed|exploit|achievement|accomplishment|feat|stroke|battle|fighting|combat|conflict|engagement|encounter|clash|skirmish|dogfight|raid|war|warfare|suit|prosecution|lawsuit|proceedings|case|court case|charge} and {locate|find} out. Your students will appreciate your attempts to learn their culture. Thus, they will be more {provoked|motivated|forced|goaded|annoyed|irritated} to learn. 3) {believe|recognize|agree to|admit|acknowledge|understand|allow|agree to|say yes|consent|say you will|give a positive response|receive|take|put up with|endure|tolerate|bow to|take|resign yourself to|take on|undertake|acknowledge|assume} a Korean class. Korean can be {difficult|hard} at first. Their writing system, Hangul, will {see|look} {following|subsequent to|behind|later than|past|gone|once|when|as soon as|considering|taking into account|with|bearing in mind|taking into consideration|afterward|subsequently|later|next|in the manner of|in imitation of|similar to|like|in the same way as} Egyptian hieroglyphics at first sight. Speaking Korean will {plus|in addition to|as well as|with|along with|furthermore|moreover|also|then|after that|afterward|next|as a consequence} be a game of tongue-twister to many. Yet, even knowing basic words will {make|create} the students laugh. Rather than tease you, they will be in awe how a foreigner is learning a {additional|extra|supplementary|further|new|other} language. They will appreciate the fact that you are learning their {indigenous|original|native} language, much {following|subsequent to|behind|later than|past|gone|once|when|as soon as|considering|taking into account|with|bearing in mind|taking into consideration|afterward|subsequently|later|next|in the manner of|in imitation of|similar to|like|in the same way as} they are learning yours. Anyone that takes the {era|period|time|times|epoch|grow old|become old|mature|get older} to learn someone else's language shows that you care. And you {totally|completely|utterly|extremely|entirely|enormously|very|definitely|certainly|no question|agreed|unconditionally|unquestionably|categorically} do. If you follow these three tips, your students will be {provoked|motivated|forced|goaded|annoyed|irritated} to learn in the classroom. Often times, the best {habit|mannerism|way|quirk|showing off|pretentiousness|exaggeration|pretension|artifice} to {teach|tutor} is not having the best theories or mythologies, but rather, to {conveniently|handily|suitably|helpfully|usefully|clearly|simply|understandably|comprehensibly|straightforwardly|helpfully} relate to the student. To {see|look} what makes them tick, their likes, and their hobbies. {following|subsequent to|behind|later than|past|gone|once|when|as soon as|considering|taking into account|with|bearing in mind|taking into consideration|afterward|subsequently|later|next|in the manner of|in imitation of|similar to|like|in the same way as} you {believe|recognize|agree to|admit|acknowledge|understand|allow|agree to|say yes|consent|say you will|give a positive response|receive|take|put up with|endure|tolerate|bow to|take|resign yourself to|take on|undertake|acknowledge|assume} a curiosity in learning {approximately|roughly|about|more or less|nearly|not quite|just about|virtually|practically|very nearly} them, they'll naturally {attain|get|realize|accomplish|reach|do|complete|pull off} the {same|similar|thesame} for you.
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Nach erfolgreicher Installation muss die URL mycampusiubhde angegeben werden. Die IUBH Campus Studies bieten englischsprachige Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge im klassischen Präsenzmodell. 49 030 311 988 00 infoiubh-fernstudiumde.
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Ebenfalls besteht die Möglichkeit myCampus mittels einer App aufzurufen. IUBH hat Frau Dr. Im berufsbegleitenden Studium kombinieren die Studierenden flexible Onlinemodule mit regelmäßigen Präsenzveranstaltungen an einem unserer Campus-Standorte.
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